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Puntuació mitjana 159 Ressenyes
Willy ha valorat a Google

Friendly staff and really tasty food !

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Rodrigo Pavez ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Very good restaurant. The proposed menu is varied with affordable prices. The only problem is the comings of delivery people or individuals who come to pick up their orders. (Original) Très bon restaurant. La carte proposée est variée avec des prix abordables. Seul hic, les allées venues des livreurs ou des particuliers qui viennent chercher leurs commandes.

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Maëlys Martinez Lopez ha valorat a Google

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Angela ha valorat a Google

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Rojda Mohamed-Guedouar ha valorat a Google

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arnaud Damelincourt ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Delicious cuisine, freshness and quality in everything. Thanks (Original) Cuisine délicieuse,fraîcheur et qualité dans tout. Merci

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DELANNOY SANDRINE ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Perfect (Original) Parfait

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sophie mohandi ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Minimum card but select and good products. The decor is a little cold for my taste but the staff listens. (Original) Carte minimum mais sélectionner et de bons produits. La déco est un peu froide à mon goût mais le personnel a l'écoute.

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Beya Tshibindi B.W.B. ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Excellent ! The staff is very kind. It's fast and good! I recommend (Original) Excellent ! Le personnel est très gentil. C’est rapide et bon ! Je recommande

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Julien Mazon ha valorat a Google

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