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Puntuació mitjana 159 Ressenyes
Sébastien Mur ha valorat a Google

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Thomas Orivel ha valorat a Google

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Yomgui A ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Very good classic, nothing special but it does the job. No atmosphere but hey... it's not creepy either... (Original) Très bon classique, rien de particulier mais ça fait le job. Pas d'ambiance mais bon...c'est pas glauque non plus..

fa 1 any
DELANNOY SANDRINE ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Perfect (Original) Parfait

fa 1 any
Arnaud Bosca ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Quantity and quality (Original) Quantité et qualité

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Nicolas Pyzik ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Pretty good menu (Original) Menus plutôt bons

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Ouiza Moussaoui ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Very good but a bit pricey. Already eaten on the spot and ordered in delivery, service always at the top! (Original) Très bon mais un peu cher. Déjà mangé sur place et commande en livraison, service tjrs au top !

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Zilai Zhou ha valorat a Google

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CE LS ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Restaurant that I find more qualitative compared to other Japanese in Romainville. (Original) Restaurant que je trouve plus qualitatif comparer à d'autre japonais de Romainville.

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Nicolas Souveton ha valorat a Google

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Osaka© 2024
Avís legal

90 Rue de la République
93230 Romainville, France

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per OKO
