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Puntuació mitjana 159 Ressenyes
orca marre orca lin ha valorat a Google

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laila k ha valorat a Google

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Nicole Cioni ha valorat a Google

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Zilai Zhou ha valorat a Google

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Léa ha valorat a Google

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LAURIANE GROSPELLIER ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Delicious flawless service (Original) Délicieux service impeccable

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シTyty ha valorat a Google

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Melis ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) I couldn't eat the maki seaweed. Next time I will ask them to make me California without seaweed. (Original) Je n'ai pas réussi à manger les algues des makis. La prochaine fois je leur demanderai de me faire des California sans algues.

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merion laurence ha valorat a Google

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Clement Juin ha valorat a Google

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